Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Here and There

For the past few weeks we've been back in Rexburg, Idaho. We travelled from Kansas to Missouri where we blessed Cali and packed up. From there we drove through Nebraska, Wyoming and stopped in Utah to see family. Following Utah we moved into an apartment in Rexburg, and after getting settled for a week we took a trip up to Washington for Doug's brother's wedding. All in all I haven't figured out the exact mileage, but we spent a solid week in the car rolling down the windows and yelling at cows. . . and trains. . . and anything else we felt like yelling at.

Sarah turned three! We can't believe that she's three years old and all the things she's doing. For her birthday we made a train cake because she is obsessed with trains and busses. If either of them are near she can spot them. Her birthday was on a Sunday and at church she kept telling everyone, "It's my happy birthday!"

It has been so fun to see all of our extended family as well as have the special treat of living close to Mack and Sadie again.